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Accidents, Illnesses and Injuries

Accidents, Illnesses and Injuries

Students who become ill or injured during the school day are to report the ailment to their teacher and go directly to the Health Office.  If the illness or injury is prolonged or severe, school personnel will attempt to contact a parent/guardian.  If a student must go home, the parent/guardian is to make arrangements to pick up the student and have a place for them to go.

If an emergency exists, an immediate attempt will be made to contact a parent/guardian, but if warranted, students will be taken to Cambridge Medical Center while parents/guardians are being contacted. It is very important to keep your emergency information updated.  If the parent/guardian cannot be reached a representative of the school will act as an agent to consent to the giving of any and all medical, dental, hospital, or surgical care to the student.

Keep the following criteria in mind when deciding whether or not to send your student to school. These are the same criteria the school uses to determine whether a student needs to be sent home:

  • Fever of 100 degrees F or higher, vomiting or diarrhea (student must be free from all of these symptoms for 24 hours before returning to school)
  • Red, runny, crusty or matted eyes, especially if causing discomfort that may prevent student from functioning in the school setting
  • Suspicious looking rash and temperature elevated above 99.4 degrees F 
  • Injury causing inability to function due to pain and/or discomfort
  • Caregiver discretion of illness severity affecting school participation
  • Family circumstances causing excess emotional stress

Please be respectful of this policy so that we can keep your student and all of our students as healthy as possible.

Students with Health Conditions:  Please include all allergies, restrictions and health conditions on your child’s enrollment form and contact the school nurse. The school nurse will work with you to maintain these records, write emergency plans and handle all medications. 

Explore CMS Handbook

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.