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Levels of Behavior, Intervention and Response

Levels of Behavior, Intervention and Response

Level One (Setting Managed)

Behavior Definition: A level one behavior is a minor behavior infraction that is generally managed by the adult in the setting of the infraction. The staff’s response teaches correct, alternative behavior so students can learn and demonstrate safe and expected behaviors. Staff members are expected to employ a variety of teaching and management strategies.

Level One Behavior Interventions and Responses

  1. Select and implement interventions and responses that maintain the continuity of instruction or are least disruptive.
  2. Consider use of interventions from multiple categories as appropriate.
  3. Review and consider a student’s IEP or 504 Plan prior to implementing interventions and responses.
  4. Communicate with parents/guardians about recurrent behaviors and interventions.
  5. Document behavior as a minor referral.

Intervention and Response Categories


Skills-Based Supports

  • Re-teaching of expectations, procedures and routines

  • Increase positive feedback for demonstration of expected behavior

  • Reminder/Redirection on ways to ask for help or solve problems

  • Reminder/Redirection on ways to manage emotions

  • Reminder/Redirection of appropriate language

  • Teacher/Student conference


Restorative Practices

  • Repair/Mend relationship

  • Fee restitution


Staff Actions

  • Fidelity check of school-wide systems, structures and supports

  • Review (classroom/non-classroom) behavior management plan including social skills teaching and reinforcement

  • Classroom/Non-classroom supports

  • Seat change, assigned seating

  • Loss of related privileges

  • Parent/Guardian notification

  • Increase active supervision

  • Confiscating items

Optional administrative actions that may result in removal from instruction
Note: A recurring behavior infraction may be treated as an infraction at a higher level


Level Two (Setting Managed)

Behavior Definition: A level two behavior is a repeated minor behavior infraction that is generally managed with a brief intervention by an adult in that setting. These actions aim to correct behavior by stressing the seriousness of the behavior while keeping the student in class. A level two behavior may include contact with support staff or an administrator and may result in a documented Behavior Intervention Referral.

Level Two Behavior Interventions and Responses

  1. Select and implement interventions and responses that maintain the continuity of instruction or are least disruptive.
  2. Consider the use of interventions from prior levels and multiple categories.
  3. Review and consider a student’s IEP or 504 Plan prior to implementing interventions and responses.
  4. Communicate with parents/guardians about the behaviors and interventions.
  5. Document behavior as a minor referral.

Intervention and Response Categories


Skills-Based Supports

  • Re-teaching routines, expectations, and procedures

  • Increase positive feedback for demonstration of expected behavior

  • Re-teaching ways to ask for help, solve problems, manage emotions

  • Self-charting of behaviors

  • Skill practice/role play

  • Individual skill coaching

  • Student contract

  • School community service


Restorative Practices

  • Repair/Mend relationship

  • Guided conversations using restorative questions

  • Community Service (as restitution)

  • Peer mediation

  • Reflective essay

  • Restorative back-to-class plan


Staff Actions

  • Review student data to make an informed decision

  • Develop a student skill plan

  • Initiate behavior support plan

  • Formalize check-in/out plan with adult

  • Detention

  • Loss of related privileges

  • Assigned seating

  • Time out of classroom

  • Consultation with colleagues

  • Consider referral to appropriate MTSS team

  • Parent/Guardian conference

  • Increase active supervision

Optional administrative actions that may result in removal from instruction
Note: A recurring behavior infraction may be treated as an infraction at a higher level


Level Three (Office Managed)

Behavior Definition: A level three behavior is a major behavior infraction that disrupts the educational setting, targets others, and/or
impacts the safety of others. A level three behavior will result in an Office Behavior Intervention Referral (ODR) and may result in removal from instruction for part of a day or an entire school day.

Level Three Behavior Interventions and Responses

  1. Select and implement interventions and responses that maintain the continuity of instruction or are least disruptive. 
  2. Consider the use of interventions from prior levels and multiple categories.
  3. Review and consider a student’s IEP or 504 Plan prior to implementing interventions and responses.
  4. Communicate with parents/guardians about the behaviors and interventions.
  5. Document behavior in Skyward as a major referral.

Intervention and Response Categories


Skills-Based Supports

  • Individual or small group skill instruction

  • Targeted instruction focused on the area of need

  • Increase positive feedback for demonstration of targeted behaviors


Restorative Practices

  • Restorative back-to-class plan

  • Staff-led mediation

  • Restitution for property incidents


Staff Actions

  • Referral to appropriate MTSS team

  • Loss of related privileges

  • Alternative instruction

  • Student-staff conference

  • Change in classroom assignment/schedule

  • Consult with School Resource Officer

  • Loss of transportation (bus) privileges

  • Development of a re-entry plan

  • Parent/Guardian conference

  • Removal from class 

Administrative actions that may result in removal from instruction

  • In-school removal from instruction one (1) day or less
  • Out-of-school dismissal from instruction one (1) day or less. 


Level Four (Office Managed)

Behavior Definition: A level four behavior is a major behavior infraction that significantly disrupts the educational setting, targets others, and/or impacts the safety of others and is distinguishable by its repetitiveness and/or severity. A level four behavior results in an Office Behavior Intervention Referral (ODR), may result in dismissal from school for one or more days, and may result in notification to law enforcement. Students in grades PreK-3 will not be dismissed from school for more than part of a school day unless non-exclusionary discipline has been exhausted and/or there is an ongoing threat to the child or others. 

  1. Level Four Behavior Interventions and Responses
  2. Select and implement interventions and responses that maintain the continuity of instruction or are least disruptive.
  3. Consider the use of interventions from prior levels and multiple categories.
  4. Review and consider a student’s IEP or 504 Plan prior to implementing interventions and responses.
  5. Communicate with parents/guardians about the behaviors and interventions.
  6. Document behavior in Skyward as a major referral.

Intervention and Response Categories


Skills-Based Supports

  • Increase positive feedback for demonstration of individualized behavior plan/goal

  • Individualized skill instruction by licensed support staff

  • Individual behavior support plan

  • IEP/504 Plan Team consultation for potential changes


Restorative Practices

  • Restorative transition back-to-class plan

  • Staff or neutral party led mediation

  • Family conference

  • Restitution for property incidents


Staff/Administrative Actions

  • Refer to or review with appropriate MTSS team 

  • Consultation with the School Resource Officer

  • Referral to alcohol or drug counselor

  • Loss of transportation (bus) privileges

  • Consideration of alternative interim educational placement

  • Development of a re-entry plan

Administrative actions that may result in removal from instruction

  • Out-of-school dismissal from instruction not to exceed four (4) days. Consider student’s age and understanding


Level Five (Office Managed)

Behavior Definition
A level five behavior is a behavior infraction that involves removal of the student from the school environment because of the severity of the behavior. Interventions focus on maintaining the safety of the school community
and ending self-destructive and/or dangerous behavior. Level five behaviors are identified as expellable offenses.

Level Five Behavior Interventions and Responses

  1. Select and implement interventions and responses that maintain the continuity of instruction or are least disruptive.  Students in grades PreK-3 will not be dismissed from school for more than part of a school day unless non-exclusionary discipline has been exhausted and/or there is an ongoing threat to the child or others. 
  2. Consider the use of interventions from prior levels and multiple categories.
  3. Review and consider a student’s IEP or 504 Plan prior to implementing interventions and responses.
  4. Communicate with parents/guardians about the behaviors and interventions.
  5. Document behavior in Skyward as a major referral.

Intervention and Response Categories


Skills-Based Supports

  • Individual coaching by licensed staff

  • Individual behavior support plan

  • Increase positive feedback for demonstration of individualized behavior plan/goal


Restorative Practices

  • Family conference (may be as part of a move to a new setting)


Staff/Administrative Actions

  • Consultation with administrative team and superintendent

  • 504 or IEP Review 

  • Consultation with the School Resource Officer

  • Development of a re-entry plan


Administrative Actions that may result in removal from instruction

  • Out-of-school dismissal from instruction five (5) or more days (ten (10) days if there is a recommendation for expulsion). Consider student’s age and understanding
  • Possible recommendation for expulsion
  • Consult with/refer to local law enforcement

Explore CMS Handbook

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.