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Lockers (School District Policy #502)

Lockers (School District Policy #502)

Lockers are issued free of charge to students on the first day of school. Students should not write on the inside or outside of the lockers. They must be kept neat and clean. Students should not leave money or valuables in their lockers. Any damage to the lockers should be reported to the principal’s office. All  student lockers must be secured with a lock. Do not give your locker combination to other students. Do not place stickers on the lockers, as they are difficult to remove. Lockers are the property of the school district and are subject to investigation at any time by school officials. Students are responsible for materials found in their assigned lockers and the condition of their lockers. Marks, stickers or graffiti must be removed immediately. Messages for students may be attached to their locker door during the course of the school year.

Explore CMS Handbook

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.