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Student Records

Student Records



Parents/guardians and adult students generally have the right to review and challenge their school records according to state and federal laws.

Students have the right to privacy regarding their school records. Any disclosure of information from student records will be consistent with legal requirements and policy established by the school district. 

Students have the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that such consent is not required for disclosure pursuant to this policy, state or federal law.

Students in grades 11 and 12  have the right to refuse release of names, addresses, and home telephone numbers to military recruiting officers and post-secondary educational institutions;

School Board Policy 515 - Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records

Students are responsible for following established building and district procedures regarding access to their school records. This includes students who reach the age of 18. 

Explore CMS Handbook

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.