Visitor Sign in Procedure
To ensure the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors to our buildings, Cambridge-Isanti Schools has implemented the following visitor safety procedure. This is a district-wide policy, and all visitors to any Cambridge-Isanti school building are required to adhere to the outlined procedures listed below.
- Enter through the designated visitor or main entrance to report to the main office.
For the safety of all students, employees, and visitors, all exterior doors will be locked during designated visitor management hours, except for the designated visitor entry for each school. Upon entering the building, all visitors are required to report to the main office. In the case of special events, visitors may be directed to enter the building through another exterior door. (Some events at certain buildings allow visitors to enter through an exterior gymnasium door for example. In these cases, visitors will be instructed to exit that same door, not through the building.) For certain large events where checking in each visitor is not efficient, staff will monitor the halls/entrances and guide visitors to their destination. Visitors will be allowed to enter the event and exit the same way, not passing through or entering any other part of the building.
- Present your valid photo identification to a staff member.
All visitors will be asked to verify their identity by showing office staff a form of photo identification, such as a driver’s license or government issued ID card. We will not be able to check you in as a visitor without your photo ID.
- If Picking Up a Student(s): Office staff will compare your ID to information in Skyward. Your ID does not need to be checked in to Hall Pass unless you are physically going into the building. If you are requesting to see or remove a student from a school building and you are not the parent/guardian, then you must have authorization from the parent or guardian and present a current valid photo identification.
- If Physically Entering the Building: The office staff will return your ID and issue you a Hall Pass badge and green lanyard. Staff Members who are visiting the building as a parent/guardian must check in to the office and have visible either their staff badge or visitor badge with green lanyard.
- Visitor Management Software/Badge and Lanyard
Your ID will be scanned into our secure visitor management database for visitor management purposes only. A photo visitor badge will be printed and used as your visitor credential for the day you visit school. You will be issued a green lanyard with a plastic sleeve.
- Wear your visitor badge and lanyard at all times
The visitor badge must be displayed around your neck with your visitor badge visible at all times during your visit. For the safety of students, employees and other visitors, please be aware that our staff have been trained to approach and question visitors who are in the building and not wearing an ID badge.
- Return to the office to turn in your visitor badge before leaving the building
At the completion of your visit; you will be required to check back in at the main office to return your visitor badge and to sign out as a visitor.
- Please be advised of school district policy #903
Policy #903 (outlined below) states that an individual or group may be denied permission to visit a school if visitor(s) do not comply with school district procedures or if the visit is not in the best interest of students, employees, or the school district.
Policy # 903 states: “An individual or group who enters school property without complying with the procedures and requirements may be guilty of criminal trespass and thus subject to criminal penalty. Such persons may be detained by the school principal or a person designated by the school principal in a reasonable manner for a reasonable period of time pending the arrival of a police officer.”
We understand that your time is valuable! For the safety of all students, employees and visitors, we ask for your patience and understanding as we follow our district policy and procedure to issue you your credentials as a visitor.
Thank you for visiting Cambridge-Isanti Schools!
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This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.