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Attendance Eligibility Requirements

Attendance Eligibility Requirements
  • If students have legitimate excuses for missing a practice, such as illness, family emergency, they should be able to participate in the next contest.
  • If a student asks to be excused from a practice or game for an ongoing school-sponsored activity, a compromise should be reached whereby a student could attend half of the activity and half of the practice. This would not affect the amount of playing time for a student for the days he/she attends the other activity.
  • If students miss a practice or a game because of a school-sponsored activity that does not meet regularly, such as ski club, math club, or variety show, they will be allowed to participate in the next contest, but on a limited basis.

If a student misses practice without a legitimate excuse, participation will be at the coach’s discretion in the next contest.

Explore CMS Handbook

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge Middle School.