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Homework & Grades


The grading designations used at CMS:

 A   A-  B+  B   B-  C+  C   C-  D+  D   D-  F 


Parents/guardians are encouraged to monitor the time their children spend working on schoolwork at home. A student planner is a good tool for parental monitoring of student work. Although study time is usually provided during the school day, students should expect to have homework every day. Parents/guardians can contact their child’s teacher or School Counselor with questions about homework study skills. Help is available at school. Teachers will be willing to set-up study times with students before or after school hours.

Make-up Work

Students should visit the teacher’s Google Classroom site to get make-up work when they are absent. Assignments may also be picked up if online access is limited. Students are generally given two days to complete make-up for each day absent.

Family Access for Parents/Guardians

Skyward Family Access makes it easy to be active in your child’s education by connecting parents with information on schedules, assignments, test scores, attendance, food service balances, report cards, and more. From the Cambridge-Isanti Schools website, click Skyward Family Access in the button bar. Enter your login and password. If you do not know your login information, click ‘Forgot Your Login/Password?’ Click the box by ‘I’m not a Robot’ and enter the email address you provided to the school. You will receive an email with your login and a link to reset your password. If you are unsure of the email address we have on file, contact the main office.

Report Cards

Report cards are created at the end of each grading period (Trimester). Report cards may be accessed under Reports in Family Access. Final report cards can be accessed in June using Family Access.